Sharni Monaghan (nee Greyling), BA LLB (Syd), pictured left, is principal of Greylings Attorneys. The firm is named to honour the late Pierre Greyling, the father of Mrs Monaghan. Mr Anthony Monaghan is a solicitor employed at Greylings Attorneys. Mr Monaghan holds enduring public notary commission from the Supreme Court of New South Wales.
Greylings Attorneys act for individuals and institutions. Greylings are prudent advisers in any jurisdiction.
Greylings Attorneys, Suite 4, 914 Military Rd, Mosman NSW 2088. ABN 95 757 725 395. PO Box 4034 Mosman NSW 2088. Telephone 022 9264 0676. Fax 02 9960 4266. sg@greylings.com.au